Help to Provide Food for the Poor
Help provide Food Assistance for Pre-Prosperous and Dhuafa Families on a regular basis In September 2021, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) released the poverty rate in Indonesia.
The number of poor people in Indonesia is 26.50 million people or 9.71%, of the total population of Indonesia, inadvertently we may also often see that there are still many people around us who need assistance to fulfill their daily food needs.
Together with Rumah Zakat, we present the "Food Alms" Program, which is a program to provide free food assistance for Pre-Prosperous and Dhuafa Families who are in trouble and need, usually done every Friday, Some of them are, free rice, free food packages, free drinking water, free meals and various other free food supplies and not only targeting underprivileged citizens, but also supporting all elements of society, including public services such as security officers, mosque administrators, health workers, and many others.
For Muslims in particular, this practice may be in line with one of the one hadith quoted in the description of this program, namely: "Indeed the best among you is the one who feeds (H.R. Thabrani)."
To make this happen, we cannot move alone. We need the best help, support, and alms from you, to continue to provide food assistance to those who are currently trying to revive their economy.
Let's present Alms Food together and help the lives of our brothers and sisters who are in dire need
Fundraising information
Rumah Zakat
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Caring People Wishes
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$ 2.00
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